Sunday, January 26, 2020

New fun things you sould try this year

I was never that type of person that says; Oh this year I'm going to be trying bunch of new stuff.! Because you just have to do as much fun things as you can, every single day of your life. I know it's a little out there but you only live once and sadly daily routine made us forget how it's like to be fun anymore.

So I say after you read this blog, you take your journal, or even a piece of paper and write down these things that you should do to make each day counts. They may seem a little bit silly, but trust me you just have to try.

Let's start with physical things...

1) Go to your favourite artist concert:

I went to couple of concerts in my life, but I don't think I achived my dream by going to my ultimate favourite international artist. That I memorize every song of his/her, or cheer with the lightstick in my hand or wait a whole night outside the satge so I can get a good place in the concert. It's always been my dream to go to a Kpop concert, in a tour whether it is Twice, Red Velvet or even BTS.

2) Go see a Movie Premiere:

Me personally adore movies, I enjoy both Hollywood and Bollywood movies, and I'm even open to Turkish cinema and Korean too. So whenever trailer comes out, I wait like for a month or two to see the film. It's always have been a dream of mine to go to a Movie Premiere to see the cast, get their otograph and take pictures too; To live an entire experience.

3)Go camping:

As all ofyou know, how camping can be so much fun. Sadly I never had the opportunity to go camping in any season whatsoever. As a person , I don't get scared from nature or sleeping in a forest, I love exploring and getting to know that side of the world. I know that camping isn't just setting fire, and eating marshmellows on sticks.

It's a self-reliance experience that makes you face your fears, so if you have the chance to go camping; whether it is with friends or even people you don't know, cause that will be another chance to meet new accquiantances.

Now to more emotional and sensational things...

4)Go for an early morning stroll on a quiet street: 

Life be can very stessful, it can be caused by our studies, family issues or even our inner problems. Each one of deal with struggle, every morning you wake up and you say" Oh shit here we go again!". 

I suggest to relief ourselves a bit, is to go for a walk in the early morning, when the street is empty, I did it many times and it's so relaxing. Especially when, the morning breeze hits you softly along with your hands in your pockets and your head is completly empty. It makes you forget, all of your stress and clears your mind.

5) Sit in a rooftop:

I love rooftops, they make me feel so peaceful and cozy. The atmosphere created by rooftops is indescribable, imagine yourself sitting on top of a cloud watching poeple down living their lives, a mother who's walking next to her child, a couple holding hands thiking about the future or a little cat chasing a rat...
Look up to the sky and you'll feel the peace inside you, best feeling in the whole.

1)Enjoy the drops of the Rain:

Apparently not everyone is a fan of the Rain, especially girls, it ruins our hair and makeup. It causes us cold, and flew. 

However, we must see its bright side, Rain is more symblic than anything else in the world, I remember a quote "Every drop touches your face, goes to your heart". Why would we have to worry about our clothes getting wet, or our makeup to be ruined. Just enjoy the rain, let the drops reach your soul and feel peaceful.

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