Friday, December 11, 2020

Movie Recommendation! Revisit the Classics

Hello beautiful people, I hope you're having a great day. I finally found the time to write a new blog, well I wanted to upload it earlier but things got in the way.

So, this list is a selection of old classic Hollywood movies, that I think everyone should see and enjoy.

Fatal Attraction (1987):

I heard abou this movie a lot, especially in comedy movies who talk about cheating. I've never seen this movie before, and I when I did it blew me away the story is about a married man's affair that comes back to hunt him. She starts to stalk him, threaten him and hurt his family.

Now, the villain "Alex Forrest" played by the actress Glenn Close oustanted her role. We see her at the beginning of the movie as a sexy cool woman but then as the movie goes on we start to see a change in her personnality as she shows us how obsessed she becomes over this fling with this married man. She screams and tries to kill herself, and even had the nerve to kidnap his daughter. I mean if this is not crazy I don't what is! The movie teaches a lot of married people that chaeting comes with consequences.

I recommend watching this movie a lot but please do not see it with your partner!

Misery (1990):

Hands down to one of the creepiest adaptation of Stephen King's books ever! Misery is a story that follows a famous author whos rescued from a car crash by a fan of his novels, he comes to realize that the care he is recieving is only the beguinning of a nightmare of captivity and abuse.

In the first half of the movie, everything looks okay and the protagonist "Annie Wilkes" played by Kathy Bates looks like a very  and caring woman who's taking care of this author. But then, we start to see red flags; The way she talks about his novel collection Misery to the pills she gives him everyday to keep him asleep. Of course she's an insane number one fan of his, who got lucky to keep her favourite author trapped with her! The way she portrayed the crazy woman character is insane, I was at the edge of my seat, screaming afraid of what else she will do to him!

I recommend this movie a loooot! But don't make my mistake and watch at night!

Kramer Vs Kramer (1979):

I loved this movie so much and believe that it really deserves all the hype around it, it's funny it's sad and mostly touching. So the story follows Ted Kramer's wife who leaves him, allowing for a lost bond to be rediscovered between Ted and his son, Billy. But a heated custody battle ensues over the divorced couple's son, deepening the wounds left by the separation.

Dustin Huffman as "Ted Kramer" makes you feel sypmathy towards him from the beguinning of the movie till it's ending. Eeven if he made mistakes in the past, and wasn't responsible he's changed now and became a good dad. And you have no idea, how much I hated Meryl Streep as "Joanna Kramer" like I know how every woman wants to find herself and be independent but not at the expanse of her family and especially her child. I felt sorry for this child, as he was a victim of his mother's selfishness who disappeared for months. 

Kramer Vs Kramer is a terrific drama that is worth watching!

As Good As It Gets (1997):

Of course I heard about this movie, especially after I saw all the oscars it got. At first I wasn't expecting anything from it but then I fell in love with the story. It's about a single mom who works as a waitress, a misanthrophic athor and a gay artist from an unlikely friendship after the artist is assaulted at a robbery. 

Okay so, the character "Melvin Udall" played by the one and only Jack Nickolson suffers from OCD, he's rude and mean and hated by everyone. But as the movie goes on, we discover that he has a good side behind all of his flaws. He cares for this woman he meets "Carol Conelly" played by "Helen Hunt" who changes him and turnes him into a good man.

I recommend this movie so much, it's funny and very emotional! And it's so worth the hype

I Am Sam (2001):

So I came down to the final recommendation in this list and I left the best for the last. I Am Sam is a masterpiece, a rollercoaster of feelings and emotions. The story is about a mentally handicaepd man who fights for custody of his 7 year old daughter, and in the process he teaches his cold-hearted lawyer the value of love and family. 

"Sam Dawson" played by Sean Penn is a very affectionate father and would fight the world for his daughter. The actor pulls off the role amazingly as we interact with Sam at every scene in the movie. His lawyer "Rita" played by Michelle Pfeiffer" was able to change from a cold person and a workaholic, to a sweet and caring person.

I recommend this movie a lot, and I warn you to prepare your tissues because there is going to be a lot of tears!

This blog came to an end, I hope you enjoyed reading it and leave me your thoughts in the comments.

Also, I have another blog coming and it's Christmas related! Have a nice Day!

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