Monday, August 9, 2021

Things I've learnt in the past year

 We grow and learn, this past year was very hard for me I've been through many ups and downs. Today I would like to talk about the things that I've learnt and promise to never do again.

1- Read the Red Flags:

A red flag is a flag that is used to indicate danger or as a sign that you should stop. If you refer to something as a red flag it means that it acts as a danger signal.  Well, I saw those flags and chose to ignore them. Big mistake!  Even if that red flag is coming from a a very close person, it indicates that it's not good for me and our relationship is going nowhere. Now that I learnt from red flags, I try my best to avoid any toxic relations.

2- Learn from your mistakes: 

Everyone makes mistakes, I do them all the time and it's totally normal but what's wrong about it is that I don't learn from them. Learning means growing, I would rather do the wrong thing again and again until I find out what I want. Let's say for example I wanted to buy a car, but I have a small budget and my mom told me to wait a couple more years to buy an even better car and I said no. If I hadn't made that mistake I wouldn't have learnt my lesson and could had bought a better car (PS: moms are always right).

3- Avoid the drama:

If it even happens that you disagree with a person about things don't fall for it and try your best to avoid the drama. It happened to me a lot in the past, sadly I fell for the drama and it led to many  problems. I found myslef trapped in a dilemma, but now I try my best to avoid the drama, that way I get to keep my mind peaceful.

4- Choose Myself first: 

The most important thing that I learnt is to choose myself first, over a friend, a family member that hurt me, because no one will care about me more than I do. If you see a red fleg, get away from that friend. If you sense any toxic vibes run! Make yourself a priority and know your worth because you are worth so much and you need to realize that.

5- Grow out of it:

If a past relationship didn't work it's not the end of the world, I don't have to live in pain for the rest of my life. Instead, I choose to allow myself to grow and move on.

Growing is changing.

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